We have won numerous awards for our wine labels and have had big admiration from our friends, but behind all that recognition is an untold story. The story behind our label.
Our labels were not a quick design sketched by an agency and sent off to the printers. No, quite the opposite. We spent months thinking of the best way to incorporate everything Nitida stands for. To capture the essence of the estate, our wine’s unique characters and to give our friends far away a little bit of home.
Our label illustrations were hand drawn using inks made from our Nitida tree leaves. Inspired by protea nitidus in our garden, they also feature local Renosterveld plants and some of the creatures who share the farm with us.
West Coast Renosterveld – estimated that only three percent of this critically endangered and hugely fragmented vegetation type remains and loss is due to agriculture having taken over these highly nutritious soil areas. Other wild critters include Cape Eagle Owl, Cape Clawless Otter, the Golden Orb spider, the Yellow-billed Duck, Cape Cobra, and Protea Nitida tree (Waboom).
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